Thursday, 23 April 2015

Diabetic Neuropathy - Home remedies

Diabetic neuropathy is common yet remain unknown to many of us.
High blood sugar levels from diabetes can lead to damage of nerves
in our body over a period of time. This occurs when the decreased
blood flow due to high sugar levels causes nerve injuries.

The symptoms appear over the years ranging from digestion problems
to loss of sensation in different parts of the body. And it is
estimated that around 70% of people with diabetes develop

1. Capsaicin is the active component of chili peppers which makes
hot. Capsaicin creams can relieve of pain by numbing the nerve
ending. Ask your doctor about capsaicin products available in your
country and its usage. 

2. Turmeric was used by our ancestors not for flavour alone.
Turmeric (curcumin) is responsible for an array of health
potentials like detoxification, fat metabolism, and pain and
inflammation reduction.Curcumin is scientifically shown to act on
the pain-causing chemical called TNF alpha (tumor necrosis factor
alpha). Curcumin tablets can be taken for the purpose.

3. Vitamin B (6 or 12) supplements offer relief to reduce numbness
and neuropathic symptoms. The active form is called Methyl B12. You
need to take the supplement with the glycoprotein called intrinsic
factor for optimum absorption.

4. Acetyl L-Carnitine is an amino acid that works wonders for some

5. It is found that those who take statin drugs for cholesterol get
diabetic neuropathy than those on non statin drugs. Coenzyme Q10
(CoQ10)is an antioxidant that will reduce the problem.

6. Hypericum is an ingredient used in homeopathic medicines that
helps to relieve the symptoms.

7. R-Lipoic Acid with DHA (in fish oil) is also suggested by
certain experts.

8. Massage, acupuncture and relaxation techniques can also be
tried. Exercise is a must for the diabetics. 

Curcumin is not only good in diabetes. It also protects the gastro intestinal tract, heals ulcers, lowers cholesterol levels, protects liver and kidneys and helps the detoxification of body. Nirogam packs all the goodness of concentrated curcumin in capsule form. 

Jaggery - A Healthy choice

Can’t give up eating sugar or something sweet? It is time to switch to a healthier option, jaggery. Called gur  in Hindi, it is essentially unrefined sugar which is obtained from raw, concentrated sugar cane juice. It is prepared by boiling sugar cane juice till it solidifies and then put into blocks. the process of making jaggery which does not involves any chemical agents will have all natural mineral salts retained in it. 

According to Naini Setalvad, a renowned nutritionist and obesity consultant, ‘Jaggery is the closest substitute to white sugar and is healthy too. It can be used exactly like sugar as you get in powder, solid and liquid form.’ Not only is gur better than white sugar which only adds empty calories to your body, it also has a few health benefits. Here’s why it is good for your health.

Rich source of Minerals

It is considered as a nutrient storehouse. it has minerals like iron , magnesium , phosphorous , potasium , zinc and selenium etc. jaggery is a rich source of many vital minerals that are required by the body for normal growth and functioning.

Prevents constipation

Jaggery helps prevent and relieve constipation by stimulating bowel movements. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body and thus helps in proper digestion of your food. This is the reason, why most people tend to eat gur after their meals. As jaggery has natural cleansing properties, it also helps get rid of digestion problems. If you eat a piece of jaggery every day with water or milk, your body will be free from all toxins.

Cools your Stomach, Having a medium sized piece of jaggery with water every day is wonderful for your body and stomach. Especially during summers, it cools down your stomach and whole body temperature.

Is good for anemics

Gur is also an excellent source of iron, a mineral that plays a key role in the production of haemoglobin. Hence, adding jiggery to your food preparations or eating a small amount of jaggery can actually fulfil your daily requirement of iron. This in turn, lowers your chance of suffering from iron-deficiency anemia. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and if women add it to their daily diet, it helps them get rid of anemia. It is a must eat for all women, especially teenagers and pregnant women.

Provides Instant Energy

When you are extremely tired and exhausted, have jaggery. It is an instant energy provider. The best thing about jaggery is that it is digested and absorbed gradually which in turn doesn't raise blood sugar level immediately.

Cleanses the liver

Want to effectively detox your body? Eat a small piece of jaggery. It helps detoxify your liver by flushing out harmful toxins from your body.

Purifies Blood 

Jaggery is a wonderful sweet that not only tastes delicious but also purifies the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent for our blood and purifies it. You simply have to add it to your diet and have its benefits.

Good for Skin 
Jaggery is great for your skin also. It makes your skin healthy and charming. If you have acne and pimples on your skin, eat jiggery every day. You will definitely see them going away and get a lovely and flawless skin.

Treats flu-like symptoms
Cough and cold, water retention, bloating and migraine are some of the minor health problems that most of us experience on an everyday basis. However, you can fight these symptoms with the help of gur  All you need to do is mix it with warm water and drink or add it in your tea instead of sugar to reap its benefits. It is an age-old remedy to cure dry cough and cold. If you don't like eating Jaggery in its raw form, you can try jaggery laddoos, which are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. They are very good in taste.

Prevents Asthma 
Jaggery is, often, recommended to Asthma patients as it is a great remedy to cure asthma. It has such properties which regulates body temperature which is very good for Asthma patients. It also has anti-allergy properties.

Reduces PMS
Do you experience sudden mood swings just before your periods? If yes, eat a small piece of jaggery daily to combat these symptoms of PMS. Caused due to fluctuating levels of hormones in your body, jaggery causes the release of endorphins aka happy hormones. This in turn relaxes your body and makes you feel good thereby preventing from premenstrual syndrome.

Relieves Menstrual Pain

Many girls bear acute pain during their menstrual cycle. If you also have this problem, eat jaggery. It helps relieve premenstrual pain. You should have it at least once daily.

Reduces Joint Pains

If you are suffering from joint pains, eat jaggery, it is wonderful for you. Eat jaggery with a piece of ginger every day, it will definitely help you get rid of joint pains. Jaggery is good for migraine patients also.

Increases immunity
Our body’s ability to fight infections and keep us healthy is greatly dependant on our immune system. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.

A word of caution!

Though there aren’t any notable side-effects of consuming gur,  it is slightly high on the number of calories – it contains 4 kcal/gram. Hence, people who are on a weight loss diet or are diabetic should monitor their consumption as it can lead to weight gain and fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. It is best to consult your dietician before you start eating jagerry to know how much is needed by your body.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Hair Loss - Role of Serum ferritin

Hair loss is one of the major issues peoples are concerned about affecting millions of peoples around the world. Losing hair is a stressfull experience on daily basis. hair loss in a tender age indicates that person is sick or just not eating right. hair is human barometer indicates the nutritional status of body.

one of the main reasons for hair loss is nutritional deficiency with depleted Iron stores. the RDA (Recommended daily allowance) for Iron is 15 mg for women and 18 mg for men.

Ferritn is a protein that stores Iron in the body . the serum ferritin level is directly proportional to the amount of stored Iron in the body

Iron deficiency  is defined as having a ferritin level of undr 40 ng/ml or iron percent saturation under 20%.

Serum ferritin concentrations of 40 ng/ml or greater are required for maintaining good hair while 70 ng/ml is required regrowth management  of hair loss.

in general you ca loose iron by intestinal bleeding , excessive menstrual bleeding  (during one period, a woman will lose around 10 -15 mg of iron, while throughout a pregnancy around 600 -1000 mg will be lost) poor digestion, long-term illness , ulcers , and heavy use of antacids.

The loss of this ferritin from the follicle cells can affect the ability of the hair to grow. This leads to the development of vellus (non pigmented fine hairs),  which can be an early indication of deficiency. The presence of vellus hairs is easily mistaken for miniaturized hair seen in androgenic alopecia. We should note here that Iron deficiency hair loss could therefore mimic the pattern of androgenic alopecia hair loss.

It is interesting to know that serum ferritin levels are independent of haemoglobine ,  a standard measure for Iron in the blood. A person can have plenty of haemoglobin and yet suffer from low serum ferritin levels.

If Iron levels are insufficient to maintain blood health , our body robs iron from the other cells since hair is not as essential  to the body as is blood , our body often sacrifices the less important function of hair growth for essential function of blood maintainace.

when low serum ferritin levels and hair loss coexist , the patients is most likely diagnosed with chronic telogen effluvium.
this condition mostly occurs in women of child bearing age basically because of menstruation and pregnancy , which results in evenly distributed hair loss or diffuse hair loss.

This hair loss condition usually occurs in women of childbearing age (18-50 years old), and results in evenly-distributed hair loss. Women with low serum ferritin hair loss usually notice one of two things:

  • Increased loss of Hair during shampooing or brushing
  • Less density of hair , as in a thinner feeling ponytail, or less hair to clip back.

other causes of telogen effluvium include illness , major physical trauma  , menopause , crash diets , severe psycological stress , major surgery , hypo/hyperthyroidism , anemia's , acute and severe blood loss , heavy metal poisoning . chronic diseases such as malignancy , and any chronic debilitating illness such as systemic lupus erythematous ,  end stage renal disease or liver disease can cause telogen effluvium.

Iron is stored mainly in the liver , within the iron storage proteins ferritin and haemosiderin.  Iron stimulates the liver to make ferritin, and serum ferritin provides a reliable estimate of body iron stores.

In chronic Telogen Effluvium there is feeling of pain in hair root , where the hair feel like it is being pricked by needles or pulled , this is called Trichodynia.

How it can be  Prevented :

Diet rich in Iron is most neccessary to recover serum ferritin. alongwith Iron rich diet vitamin C supplementation is neccessary as vit C helps proper absorption of iron from the intestines.

Sources of Iron Rich Food :  Red meat , Liver , Tofu , spinach , dates , jaggery , beetroot , figs , brocoli , kidney beans ,  egg yolk , green leafy vagetables with food rich in vitamin C.

Iron supplementation pills with protein and calcium rich diet is helpfull to eliminate the problem.

Green Tea - The Healthiest drink

Green tea has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, originating in China but widely used throughout Asia . green tea is considered one of the world's healthiest drink and contains one of the highest amount of antioxidants of any tea. green tea is the best food source  of group called catechins . in test tubes, catechins are more poerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appear to have other disease - fightening properties. 

Helps to prevent multiple cancers : natural phytochemicals in tea are thought to provide its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects. studies have found an association between consuming green tea and reduced risk for saveral cancers including skin , breast , lung , colon , esophageal , prostate and bladder. polyphenols in green tea have been shown to decrease tumor growth , high levels of polyphenols in tea that help kill cancerous cells and stop them from growing , however the exact mechanism by which tea interacts with cancerous cells is unknown.

reduces risk for heart disease : a study in 2006 published in the journal of the american medical asssociation concluded that green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality due to all causes , including cardiovascular disease. regular consumption of green tea reduced risk for heart disease and maintains a healthy circulatory system. the antioxidants in green tea help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol , increases HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function.

Helps to prevent Diabetes : studies shows that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. a study shows that those who drank the most green tea has  42% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial : Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. inhibit growth of  bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions . prevents bad breath and reduces plaque and bacteria in your mouth.

Gives healthy skin : Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)  is the most studied and bioactive polyphenol in tea and has been shown to be the most effective at elliminating free radicals. free radicals are believed to contribute to the initiation and progression of many degenerative disease  such as heart disease , cancer and macular degeneration  and many also contribute to the ageing process. consumption of green tea increases antioxidant level in the blood which helps to fight angainst free redicals and mantain healthy skin and healthy bod

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s :  It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells. green tea compounds, L-theanine and caffeine, can significantly boost levels of attention and alertness and prevents dementia.

Help weight loss and increase metabolism : green tea has many ingredients in it such as caffeine  theobromine , saponins , theophylline , vitamins and epigallocatechin which are all great for your body. the compound epigallocatechin  (EGCG) boosts your metabolic rate and reduces your appetite. all these compounds lead to thermo - genesis which increases heat in the body in turn increasing your metabolic rate  which helps to reduce weight.

Depression. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers.
many other health banifits of green tea are , it helps to detoxify your body , fights UTI , releive allergies , prevents food poisoning  and reduces puffiness under the eyes and helps to reduce the stress.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Soyabean - The master food

Soy has bean consumed by the asian populations for over 5000 years. The soyabean, a heartly and versatile legume, contains a wealth of beneficial ingredients. In adition to being a source of complete protein, comparable in quality to animal protein, soybeans are rich in other essential nutrients , including calcium , zinc, and many of the B vitamins. Soybeans are used to make a variety of food items including tofu , soymilk , textured soy protein and and soy protein powders.

Soybean contain unique compounds called isoflavones, which act as phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant derived estrogens that are able to activate mammalian oestrogen receptors.

Vagetarians  and health enthusiasts have known for years that food rich in soy protein offer a good alternative to meat , poultry and other animal – based products. As consumers has pursued healthier lifestyles in recent years. Soy protein products can be good substitutes for animal products because , unlike some other beans , soy offers a complete protein profile. Soybeans contain all the amino acids essential to human nutrition, which must be supplied in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the human body. 

Scientists  agree  that food rich in soy protein can have considerable value to heart health. Soybean has loads of plant protein that enhances immunity and overcomes fatigue. Isoflavones in soy alleviates  menopausal syndrome and osteoporosis. its low fat content reduces blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart ailments. It is rich in fiber content , calcium , vit B12 and antioxidants that keeps your skin free from wrinkles.

Health banefits of soybean in differrent medical conditions :

  • Soy protein in Cardiovascular Disease : -

cardiovascular disease (CVD)  is the leading cause of death in the world. Diet has a major impact on several modifiable risk factors for heart disease : hypercholesterolemia , hypertryglyceridemia  , elevated LDL cholesterol , low HDL cholesterol , hypertension , obesity and diabetes.

There is increasing evidence that consumption of soy protein in place of animal protein  lowers blood cholesterol level and may provide other cardiovascular banefits. Studies report that total and LDL cholesterol  reduces after the adition of  soy protein to a diet  and does not adversaly affect level of HDL , or “good” cholesterol , which at high levels has been associated with a reduction in heart disease risk . soy protein cantaining isoflavones, lowered cholesterol significantly more than soy protein without isoflavone in humans . cholesterol –lowering  effect  of soy protein is entirely due to isoflavones. However scientists found no changes in plasma lipid level in women consuming extracted soy isoflavones(without soy protein) , therefore both soy protein and isoflavones may be needed for the maximum cholesterol-lowering effect of soy. Soy protein with isoflavones also inhibits formation of atherosclerotic lesions in humans.

Considering the totality of research , daily consumption of 25 g of soy protein with its associated phytochemicals  infact  can improve lipid profiles in hypercholesterolemic humans.  

It is important to note that consumption of soy protein does not appear to have hypocholesterolemic  effect in adults with low or normal cholesterol levels. therefore there is no need for concern that soy could cause dangerously low cholesterol level.

  • Soybeans reduces the risk for cancers :-
Studies show that people who consume soy – based foods tend to have  a reduced risk of developing cancer of breast , prostate and stomach. High consumption of soy products  and other legumes was associated with a decreased  risk of endometrial cancer. Researchers has find cancer-fightening properties in soy. Cancers rely on blood flow to receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow . to ensure their expansion, cancer simulate the growth of new blood vessels , a process known as angiogenesis. Substances that can inhibit this process are considered anti-angiogenic.
The soy isoflavone genistein has also been shown to interfere with angiogenesis or it has anti-angiogenic properties. A study found that another soy isoflavone , daidzein, may reduce the risk of cancer by increasing the immune activity of T-cell lymphocytes and macrophages. There is substantial reduction in breast-cancer risk among women with a high intake  of phyto-estrogen. Scientists has identified five indivisual anticarcinogens in soybean. Protease inhibitor , phytate , phytosterols , isoflavones and genistein,  these all five phytochemicals  found in soybean have anticarcinogenic  properties.

  •  Soyabean helps in menopausal hot flushes and increases bone density in womens :-
Hormone replacement  therapy (HRT) is considered as the most effective treatment for hot flushes , but effects of long term HRT increased the risk of breast cancer and thromboembolism.

Soy protein isolate added daily to the diet substantially reduced the frequency of hot flushes in climetric women. Soy in form of either isoflavone-rich protein or pure isoflavone supplements can reduce  menopausal hot flushes and increase bone density in women. Soy phytoestrogens also enhance bone and heart health, which are associated complication of menopause.

Early research findings indicate that soy phytoestrogens may have  a dual effect the antiestrogenic effects lower breast cancer risk in premenopausal women while the estrogenic effect  banefit the cardiovascular, bone and vasomotor systems in postmenopausal women.

Genistein exhibits estrogenic action in bone and bone marrow , to regulate B-lymphopoiests and prevent bone loss without exhibiting estrogenic  action in the uterus. phytoestrogens  may be useful for preventing bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency in female.

Higher bone mineral density total and trabecular was seen in premenopausal women with dietary intake of phytoestrogens.

  • Soyabean – A healthy choice for disbetics :-
Diabetes is considered as the major lifestyle desease. there are two general categories of diabetes reffered to as  type 1 or type 2.  In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes risk for heart disease , hypertension , disorders of nervous system , blindness and kidney disease are elevated.

Research over the past 80 years has continued to support the banefits of substituting soy protein , for animal protein. in particular, research has focused on the role of soy in normalizing blood glucose, serving as a rich source of soluble fiber , reducing cholesterol levels and preventing  and treating  diabetic kidney disease.

First , a diet rich in soyfoods may help to normalize blood glucose. Soybeans are often described as having a low glycemic index . foods with low glycemic indices are recommended to diabetes patients in an effort to manage and control  their disease. In addition to having a low glycemic index, soyfoods are rich sources of fiber with 30% of this fiber appearing in the form of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber may help to control blood glucose level in both healthy and diabetic people. Soyfoods may help to prevent kidney damage by normalizing glomerular filtration rate  (GFR)  and protein excretion in the urine .

Friday, 3 April 2015

Hair Fall - How to Prevent hair Fall Naturally

All of us dream of having healthy and beautiful shiny hairs. These days hair fall becomes a serious problem. Hair loss is a common issue that affects millions of peoples around the world. though it is painless, it can be distressing experience to lose hairs on daily basis. Hair loss that occurs from all over the scalp is called diffuse hair loss (DHL) .

Hair loss is nothing more than a signal of internal imbalance of health.

 Most common causes of hair loss are as follows.
  • Stress
  • Medication and Medical problems - may be after acute illness like typhoid , malaria , dengue or after heavy blood loss. Due to anemia or thyroid problems.
  • Nutritional deficiencies - due to improper or unhealthy dietary habits.
  • Hormonal Imbalance - Puberty , Menopause etc.
  • Post Pregnancy - childbirth , abortion or miscarriage
  • Alopecia.
  • Fungal scalp infections.
  • Over Treating hairs - Excessive use of chemicals and Hair styling treatment.
  • Weight loss - crash dieting cetc.

How to prevent hair fall naturally :
  • Wash your hairs with lukewarm water
  • Avoid heated hair appliances , let hair dry naurally.
  • Use a comb instead of brush , don't comb your hair too much ,don't comb more than three times a day , always use a wide tooth comb for tangled hair to detangle them.
  • Get a trim every 2 - 3 months to avoid split ends and enhance hair growth.
  •  Avoid chemical treatments to your hairs.
  • Avoid tight hair styles.
  • Avoid sharing brushes , combs and towels to prevent transmitting infections to each other.
  • Never comb/brush wet hairs.
  • To remove hard water deposites, add a little lemon to the water during rinsing.
  • Condition hair regularly to prevent hair loss due to breakage , use conditioner depending on your hair type, length and treatment damage.
  • Oil your scalp at least three times a week. if you notice hair fall during oiling , you can use a cotton swab to oil your scalp , just apply the oil with cotton swab over the hair roots and leave it , don't massage. massage can cause hair fall. you can wash your hairs at least after four hours of oiling.

Home remedies to prevent hair fall :

Diet to prevent Hair loss : Diet rich in vitamins , protein and minerals helps in hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Food rich in protein helps in growth of hair and prevent hair fall :

  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Low fat cheese
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Soy milk/tofu
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Sprouts and Beans
Vitamins Rich food helps growth and prevent Hair fall :

Sources of Vit C :

  • Citrous Fruits
  • Berries
  • Green peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Brocoli
  • Guava
Sources of Vit A :

  • Egg Yolk
  • Milk
  • Spinach
  • Dried Africots
  • Liver
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin B7 /Biotin/vit-H
  • Walnuts
  • Bananas
  • Egg Yolk
  • Almonds
  • Yeast
  • Cauliflower
  • Liver
  • Salmon
Sources of Vit B12 : 
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Red Meat
  • Salmon
  • Tofu
Vitamin E : 
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Tomatoes
  • Fish
Sources of Folic Acid : 
  • Dark leafy vagetables
  • Brocoli
  • Avocado
  • Liver Papaya

Sources of Minerals to promote hair growth and prevent hair Loss : 

Sources of Iron rich food : 
  • Liver
  • Red Meat
  • Spinach
  • Dates
  • Figs
  • Kidney beans
  • beetroot
  • Tofu
  • Brocoli

Sources of Silica :
  • Red and green peppers
  • Green beans
  • Sprouts
  • Baked potatoes

Foods containing Zinc ,copper , Selenium and Magnisium : 
  • Sea food (oysters)
  • Spinach
  • Kidney beans
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkeen seeds
  • Garliac
  • Peanuts
  • Egg yolk
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Liver 
  • Peas
  • Mushrooms
  • Cheese 
  • Yogurt
  • Tofu
  • Avocado
Coconut water is a good source of minerals which are essential for hair growth and prevent hair fall.

Green Tea : Consumption of green tea increases antioxidant level in the blood which helps to fight angainst free radicals and mantain healthy hair and healthy skin.