Thursday, 23 April 2015

Jaggery - A Healthy choice

Can’t give up eating sugar or something sweet? It is time to switch to a healthier option, jaggery. Called gur  in Hindi, it is essentially unrefined sugar which is obtained from raw, concentrated sugar cane juice. It is prepared by boiling sugar cane juice till it solidifies and then put into blocks. the process of making jaggery which does not involves any chemical agents will have all natural mineral salts retained in it. 

According to Naini Setalvad, a renowned nutritionist and obesity consultant, ‘Jaggery is the closest substitute to white sugar and is healthy too. It can be used exactly like sugar as you get in powder, solid and liquid form.’ Not only is gur better than white sugar which only adds empty calories to your body, it also has a few health benefits. Here’s why it is good for your health.

Rich source of Minerals

It is considered as a nutrient storehouse. it has minerals like iron , magnesium , phosphorous , potasium , zinc and selenium etc. jaggery is a rich source of many vital minerals that are required by the body for normal growth and functioning.

Prevents constipation

Jaggery helps prevent and relieve constipation by stimulating bowel movements. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body and thus helps in proper digestion of your food. This is the reason, why most people tend to eat gur after their meals. As jaggery has natural cleansing properties, it also helps get rid of digestion problems. If you eat a piece of jaggery every day with water or milk, your body will be free from all toxins.

Cools your Stomach, Having a medium sized piece of jaggery with water every day is wonderful for your body and stomach. Especially during summers, it cools down your stomach and whole body temperature.

Is good for anemics

Gur is also an excellent source of iron, a mineral that plays a key role in the production of haemoglobin. Hence, adding jiggery to your food preparations or eating a small amount of jaggery can actually fulfil your daily requirement of iron. This in turn, lowers your chance of suffering from iron-deficiency anemia. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and if women add it to their daily diet, it helps them get rid of anemia. It is a must eat for all women, especially teenagers and pregnant women.

Provides Instant Energy

When you are extremely tired and exhausted, have jaggery. It is an instant energy provider. The best thing about jaggery is that it is digested and absorbed gradually which in turn doesn't raise blood sugar level immediately.

Cleanses the liver

Want to effectively detox your body? Eat a small piece of jaggery. It helps detoxify your liver by flushing out harmful toxins from your body.

Purifies Blood 

Jaggery is a wonderful sweet that not only tastes delicious but also purifies the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent for our blood and purifies it. You simply have to add it to your diet and have its benefits.

Good for Skin 
Jaggery is great for your skin also. It makes your skin healthy and charming. If you have acne and pimples on your skin, eat jiggery every day. You will definitely see them going away and get a lovely and flawless skin.

Treats flu-like symptoms
Cough and cold, water retention, bloating and migraine are some of the minor health problems that most of us experience on an everyday basis. However, you can fight these symptoms with the help of gur  All you need to do is mix it with warm water and drink or add it in your tea instead of sugar to reap its benefits. It is an age-old remedy to cure dry cough and cold. If you don't like eating Jaggery in its raw form, you can try jaggery laddoos, which are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. They are very good in taste.

Prevents Asthma 
Jaggery is, often, recommended to Asthma patients as it is a great remedy to cure asthma. It has such properties which regulates body temperature which is very good for Asthma patients. It also has anti-allergy properties.

Reduces PMS
Do you experience sudden mood swings just before your periods? If yes, eat a small piece of jaggery daily to combat these symptoms of PMS. Caused due to fluctuating levels of hormones in your body, jaggery causes the release of endorphins aka happy hormones. This in turn relaxes your body and makes you feel good thereby preventing from premenstrual syndrome.

Relieves Menstrual Pain

Many girls bear acute pain during their menstrual cycle. If you also have this problem, eat jaggery. It helps relieve premenstrual pain. You should have it at least once daily.

Reduces Joint Pains

If you are suffering from joint pains, eat jaggery, it is wonderful for you. Eat jaggery with a piece of ginger every day, it will definitely help you get rid of joint pains. Jaggery is good for migraine patients also.

Increases immunity
Our body’s ability to fight infections and keep us healthy is greatly dependant on our immune system. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.

A word of caution!

Though there aren’t any notable side-effects of consuming gur,  it is slightly high on the number of calories – it contains 4 kcal/gram. Hence, people who are on a weight loss diet or are diabetic should monitor their consumption as it can lead to weight gain and fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. It is best to consult your dietician before you start eating jagerry to know how much is needed by your body.

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